Treat yourself to the Popcorn Shrimp Salad Sandwiches Recipe, a mix of crunchy shrimp and sweet flavors gives this hoagie thumbs up all around. Head over...
This is a dish that goes together quickly, can be doubled easily, and looks beautiful! Orzo , shrimp and fresh asparagus tossed with a light olive oil,...
A delicious chilled salad of white kidney (cannellini) beans and shrimp with a zesty herbed dressing. This may be eaten immediately, but is best when left...
This was my Mom's recipe. She never wrote anything down, so the amounts on the seasonings are estimates and 'to taste.' She always said the key ingredient...
This is a variation of one of my favorites, cold whole grains, raw vegetables, feta, olives, and balsamic vinegar. This is a simple dish that is healthy...
Shrimp salad, refreshing and light, served in a hollowed-out summer tomato. Served as an appetizer, salad, or a light brunch. This was one of our favorite...
This is an adaptation of my Mom's recipe. A very colorful salad that's great any time of the year. A light creamy salad dressing can be substituted to...
This refreshing, minty salad takes about 10 minutes to throw together. The oranges and broccoli are rich in antioxidants, the shrimp are high in protein...
This is an adaptation of my Mom's recipe. A very colorful salad that's great any time of the year. A light creamy salad dressing can be substituted to...
This is an adaptation of my Mom's recipe. A very colorful salad that's great any time of the year. A light creamy salad dressing can be substituted to...
This is the tastiest shrimp salad without any guilt: only a trace of oil makes it perfect for serving any dieter. If you want to feel healthy, but enjoy...
Summer is here, the pool is open, and tourists are swarming the beach on Topsail Island. It's long past time to tell myself I need to look good in a swimsuit...
Summer is here, the pool is open, and tourists are swarming the beach on Topsail Island. It's long past time to tell myself I need to look good in a swimsuit...
This is a dish that goes together quickly, can be doubled easily, and looks beautiful! Orzo , shrimp and fresh asparagus tossed with a light olive oil,...
Summer is here, the pool is open, and tourists are swarming the beach on Topsail Island. It's long past time to tell myself I need to look good in a swimsuit...
A Southeast Asian chopped salad bursting with exotic flavors. Sweet yet tart. My boyfriend was surprised when I duplicated this salad after we raved about...
I live in rural West Virginia, and when I crave Vietnamese food there is no restaurant to satiate that craving, so I came up with this close simulation...
A cool seafood salad for those hot summer days. It's a real treat for potlucks. Use your favorite pasta. Chopped celery or Vidalia onion may be added if...
This is a refreshing, light dish that can be used as a main protein for a summer meal or as an appetizer for a dinner with guests. If you have trouble...
Very light flavor and low in calories. Originally meant to be a side dish I made some healthy substitutions and added shrimp. I usually serve with asparagus,...
This was my Mom's recipe. She never wrote anything down, so the amounts on the seasonings are estimates and 'to taste.' She always said the key ingredient...
My mom threw this together for a family gathering one year at the last minute, and it is now the single most requested dish at every